Abstract  and  Concrete

Zou  Hewen
73 years old

Fujian  Zhangzhou





福建 漳州

Zou is 73 years old and lives in the Hua’an mountain of Fujian province.Though he makes a living by tying up the besoms,he has an unrestrained life.Since 2012,he began to cut some tea branches,and carved puppets according the shape of these tea branches.After having carved,he would use his grandson’s pigments to paint on the puppet.He have never been received aesthetic education,but the shape and the color of his puppets are strange.The original idea of his creation are that this is his hobby and it can help him kill time,and also giving it to kids after finishing is joyful.Now Zou tends to try simpler ways to create for his physical problems.


  • Exhibition:Abstract and Concret

    Curator: Ding Yi

    Project Manager: Chen Furong

    Video: Xinqiao

    Photographer:Xu Xiaodong

    Curator Assistant:Zou Zhiming

    Curatorial: Liu Fengyuan    Shen Xinyi

                    Hou Siyu

    策展人: 丁  乙

    项目负责人: 陈福荣
    视频: 新  橋

    摄影: 许晓东
    项目助理: 邹志明

    策展助理:刘冯源 沈心怡 侯斯妤

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